Narcissism, Philosophy and Happiness


Codependency Test

Are you codependent?

Fill in the blank next to each statement with a number from 1 to 5 as follows:

1 strongly disagree     2 disagree     3 neutral     4 agree     5 strongly agree
  1    It seems to me that I am controlled by others.
  2    I feel responsible for the behavior of others.
  3    I find it difficult to see situations or individuals realistically.
  4    When I receive praise from others I feel more secure.
  5    I often feel angry or hurt.
  6    I often feel lonely.
  7    It is difficult for me to say no when people ask me to do something.
  8    I give up my interests in order to take part in activities that my friends enjoy.
  9    I have an overwhelming urge for others to like me.
  10  I need to feel needed.

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The above test may give an indication of codependency. It is not considered to be a personality disorder. If you are concerned you should seek professional help for a full evaluation.

If you want to know more about codependency, read Narcissism: Behind the Mask.